What does our membership offer?

olympic_idea_cartOGIDiscounts.com is a worldwide community that connects consumers in search of better prices and discounts with merchants willing to offer special prices, discounts, and free services in order to attract new customers.

By being a member of OGIDiscounts.com for only $28/month, you automatically gain access to our online back office, where you have access to the following three services:

  • Exclusive Discounts
  • Amazing Deals
  • Incredible Freebies

But let’s quickly explain what you will get once you become a member:


Exclusive Discounts

Every business that is listed in the OGIDiscounts.com discount catalog wants to attract more customers, thus more than 90% of those listed merchants and service providers announce a special discount percentage for members of OGIDiscounts.com

A member can search to find businesses of all sizes locally or worldwide. Members are eligible for these discounts once they present their OGIDiscounts.com loyalty card (in physical or digital form) or enter their information online.

Amazing Deals

Merchants that join OGIDiscounts.com offer Deals to our members.

These are discounted products or services on specific quantities and under specific circumstances, dates or hours that can be up to 70%. Merchants and service providers can post as many Amazing deals as they want without extra charge. That’s why you can find so many deals compared to other deal sites.

Olympic FreebiesRegistered Business owners with OGIDiscounts.com, want our members to know about them, and we provide the tools to make that happen. That’s why they are offering special,free products with your first purchase with them.

By being a member of OGIDiscounts.com, you are eligible for free products worth thousands of dollars, and the only requirement is just to visit the physical store of the merchant providing the free service or product.

Isn’t that great?

OGIDiscount.com Card

As a member of OGIDiscounts.com, you will be able to print a personalized member card to instantly identify you as a club member to OGIDiscounts.com business partners. You can also find a digital version of your card through our exclusive OGIDiscounts.com app.

Use your member card to receive discounts and promotions from our merchants and service providers.

The OGIDiscounts.com card is NOT a credit card, nor does it contain any personal or financial information. It’s just a loyalty card.

All promotions are provided by merchants and service providers exclusively to our members.  Merchants registered with OGIDiscounts.com are provided valuable promotional tools such as websites, electronic shops, and access to our well-qualified club members.